Frequently Asked Questions

What templates can I use?

Kit55 supports Jinja2/Nunjucks HTML templates out of the box.

What is the difference between a page and a template?

Both templates and pages are HTML files, and both can contain Jinja2/Nunjucks markup. However, there are some differences between them in the context of Kit55. Templates are fragments of an HTML page, such as a footer, header, or hero banner. These templates should be named with the extension .tpl.html.

On the other hand, pages refer to complete HTML pages that utilize templates and other files to create a fully functional website. Pages use the extension .html and can contain templates within them. However, it's important to note that only pages are visible in Kit55's user interface. Templates and other files are not displayed in the app.

When you select a project in the Kit55 GUI, the application will scan all the folders within your project and display the pages that will be built. This allows you to have an overview of the website's structure and easily manage your pages.

Additionally, Kit55 provides a simple sample project that you can use as a reference or starting point for your own projects.

How does Kit55 build my site?

Kit55 searches for projects in the Documents/kit55/projects (1), so copy your project there. Kit55 will take all your pages from /src and will merge the templates code in them, generating new pure HTML pages that will be saved in /dist. Those new pages will replace template references with the code of the template file itself.

What happens to my images, JavaScript, CSS, and other files that I need for my site?

Kit55 will copy all those files (all files not ending in .html) under /dist, preserving the same structure found in /src. This ensures that your site can properly render images and reference other files such as CSS or JavaScript. However, it's important to note that when referencing these files in your HTML, you should use relative paths from the root folder to ensure they are properly located and accessible.

Do I need a local web server to work on my website?

Some websites may not function properly when opened as local files. This can be attributed to various reasons, with one common cause being that browsers do not execute asynchronous requests when running sites directly from local files. To overcome this issue, it is recommended to run the website through a local web server.

Kit55 offers a built-in small web server that can serve this purpose.

Using a local server not only resolves the problem of async requests but also helps prevent cross-origin errors that often occur during local development, such as the well-known "Cross-origin requests are only supported for HTTP" error.

(1) Your project has to be located under Documents/kit55/projects.

/src is located in projects/<your project>/src and /dist is located in projects/<your project>/dist.