Kit55's SEO Reporting Tool generates real-time SEO reports.

Create SEO reports

To create an SEO report for a specific page, simply click on the "SEO" button that appears when hovering over any page on the main screen of the Kit55 app.

Top-notch SEO Reporting tool

Kit55's SEO Reporting Tool seamlessly integrates with the Website Builder, allowing you to monitor SEO metrics and Keyword reports while working on your site. Kit55 stands out as one of the best SEO reporting tools available, providing instant feedback and significantly reducing development time.

Real-time SEO reporting

Kit55 generates SEO reports in real time, enabling you to integrate SEO optimization as you build your site. No more switching between your web builder, deploying your site, and running a separate reporting tool for optimization. With Kit55, website building and SEO optimization happen on the same platform.

SEO report format

Kit55's SEO report provides two types of metrics: technical SEO metrics, which can be extracted from any page, and keyword-related metrics, for which you need to provide Keywords and LSI Keywords, for the tool to generate. Kit55's SEO report format is simple and easy to understand, including a percentage score for quick assessment.

Technical SEO metrics

These metrics can be calculated for any HTML page within your site. Some of the key metrics include:

  • Word Count between 2000-5000.
  • URL length between 30-50 characters.
  • Meta Desc length between 80-100 characters.
  • H1 tag must be unique.
  • H1 tag lenght must be between 35-65 characters.
  • Inbound links between 5-15.
  • Outbound links between 2-5.

Keywords metrics

If you provide Keywords, Kit55 can calculate additional metrics based on them, such as:

  • Keyword density (0.5% - 2%)
  • Check for Keywords in H1
  • Check for Keywords in URL
  • Check for Keywords in Meta Description
  • Check for LSI Keywords in H2

You can provide a single Main Keyword (which can consist of multiple words), and multiple LSI Keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords). You need to insert them as comments anywhere in your HTML page so that Kit55 can read them. For example:

<!-- KEYWORD = "template inheritance" -->
<!-- LSI_KEYWORDS = ["python", "templating systems"] -->

You can use Kit55's templating system and context files to simplify the definition of keywords. For example, in your main HTML template, you can reference keyword and lsi_keywords template blocks:

<!-- KEYWORD = {% block keyword %}{% endblock %} -->
<!-- LSI_KEYWORDS = [{% block lsi_keywords %}{% endblock %}] -->

Then, you can define those keywords in your HTML pages:

{% block keyword %}"template inheritance"{% endblock %}
{% block lsi_keywords %}"python", "templating systems"{% endblock %}

If you have a multilingual website, you can store the keywords in a context.json file, as keywords may vary depending on the language of the page.